Saturday, May 17, 2014

movie universes

When it comes to movie universes, there are so many. It could be Star Wars, Star Trek, or Lord of the Rings. But what these universes have in common is that they are both real and fictional. They are fictional in the traditional sense in that they are made up. Some person at desk had the imagination to come up with these characters and places. And then the filmmakers brought it to the screen with the power of CGI, special effects, make up, costuming, and set design. But, where the true magic lies in movie universes is how real they are. These universes have a way of encapsulating us into becoming invested into the characters and what is happening in the movie. Another really cool thing about these universes is that a movie can have multiple storylines but in the context of the universe it makes sense.
            A great example of a movie universe doing this is the View Askewniverse. This universe was created by director-writer Kevin Smith. In 1994, he came out with little movie that he took to Sundance Film Festival called Clerks. It was a low budget film that Kevin and his friends made together at a crappy little quick mart type place. What Kevin didn’t realize was the massive appraisal it would receive because it ended winning awards at both Sundance and Cannes Film Festivals. So because of this one little movie he was able to make other such movie as Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II. All of these movies have some overlapping characters but the two characters that are in all of these movies are Jay and Silent Bob. These two characters are normally supporting characters, with the exception of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and by far these guys are the fan favorites. The reason why they are so popular with the fans is because throughout the saga we follow these characters and it gives the audience a certain amount of legitimacy to the movie. It provides legitimacy because we are aware of the environment in which they live and we as the audience understand the rules of the particular universe. Let us take the View Askewniverse as an example. In this particular universe, there can be fallen angels and hilarious sculptures of Jesus and no one would think twice about it. Actors can play different characters and we wouldn’t take away anything from the movie. 
            So recently I watched the Captain America: Winter Soldier. This movie was next installment to the Captain America movies and it’s part of Marvel’s phase two of the Marvel Universe. And after watching this movie I realized just how crazy the Marvel Universe has gotten. Before I get into how the universe is right now, I will explain the beginnings of this ever-expanding universe. Unless a person has lived under an isolated rock, they know that Marvel was originally a comic book company since the 1940s. And in the 1960s Marvel Comics really hit its stride with Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and the Avengers. And this is where the Marvel Universe really began.
            So now let us fast forward to 2008 with the release of Iron Man. This movie was Marvel Entertainments huge blockbuster and the catalyst to Marvel’s movie universe because at the end of Iron Man there is a very quick scene with Tony Strak (Iron Man) and General Nick Fury. What this scene did was that it setup so many different paths that Marvel could take with their movies. Because of the success they immediately went into pre-production of Thor and Captain America. Incredible Hulk then came out and at the end of that there is a scene with Tony Stark and he alludes to the Avengers. After Captain America, Thor, and another Iron Man movie came out, Marvel released their jointed character movie the Avengers. This movie brought the four characters together with other supporting characters to fight in the battle of New York. This movie went huge worldwide because it brought all of our favorite superheroes into one movie and no live action movie has ever done that to this extent. Thankfully, the great Joss Whedon helmed this movie because he was able to give each of the characters their proper screen time and make them cohesive unit. And after the Avengers, Marvel decided to expand their universe even more with the inclusion of Guardians of the Galaxy and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Guardians of the Galaxy will be big risk for Marvel because those characters aren’t household names like the Avengers were. And Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is doing something that has never happened before and they are crossing over television and movies. The TV show experiences everything that is happening in the movie universe and it interesting to see what are the after effects of the movies.
            The last and final movie universe I want to talk about is the Lord of the Rings universe. And when I say the Lord of the Rings universe I am only talking about the Peter Jackson’s trilogy that came out in the early 2000s. Even though it did start out of as a book I believe that this can be counted as a movie universe because the extraordinary work they did in bringing this universe to the big screen.
            These movies hold a very special place in heart because they made me fall in love with cinema. How they were able to create this fantastic world just astounded me on every level and it fueled my imagination for the years to follow. When I was young I liked movies much like any other child would. I watched all of the Disney movies and they were good movies. There were some movies that I really liked and some not so much. But it was when my parents to took me to an 11:35 PM screening of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in January of 2002, I knew that was my movie universe. The reason why this particular movie universe worked for me was because it was believable. Even though the audience was transported into a mythical world it still felt like I could hop unto a plane a go visit there (also this so called plane would have to be able to travel back in time too but that’s not the point). The fact that they shot this in New Zealand was a smart choice because they could have made most of sets of the movie with special effects and computer graphics an example of this would be the movie 300. Visually it looked cool but the audience was fully aware of CGI and the special effects. But when it came to Lord of the Rings most of the sets were either built on site or they used a realistic backdrop and then added with CGI later on.  And I am not saying that there weren’t parts of the movie that were made in complete CGI because there were. All I’m getting at is that I could imagine seeing that wonderful place in the real world.
            Another thing that these movies did was spark my imagination like no other movie ever had. Have you ever just had a book or movie that you wish you were a part of? I would with out a doubt answer that question with the Lord of the Rings. The reason why is simple. It’s because I would not be able to calculate how many times I had spent imagining myself as either one of the characters (mainly Legolas and Aragorn) or a character that I made up myself. The character that I made for my self though was my favorite to recreate because I could give him his own personality, back-story, and way about him. I remember once I spent almost a whole Sunday as one of my made characters because I just wanted to. That movie universe did something that had never happened to me before. It made me desperately want to be there. As I said earlier this movie tapped into my imagination like no other previously because of the wonderful characters that were, the fascinating and intricate story that it had, and the environment that made it up. I often wish that I could go back to those days and just live life like that because life right now is moving both so fast and slow that I sometimes I to just want to escape it. And in my opinion those are the best kind of movie universes.

            There is reason why some of the most memorable movies come from movie universes. It is because they draw in, excite and move audiences in ways that few movies can. Take for example the original Star Wars movies. The lines for those movies when they came out shattered all box office records because people loved the universe that George Lucas created. These movies universe have a way of drawing the viewer in and making us fall in love with the characters and plot. I know at least for me these types of movies are so cool because most stories in movies are just single events. It is just a storyline and that’s it.  But with movies that are part of movie universes, there are multiple storylines and multiple events that help shape characters. We as the audience can see these changes occurring and will feel sometimes directly what the character is feeling if it’s a really good story. And lastly one of the best things about movie universes is that it is not limited to completing the story in 2 hours 30 minutes like many single storyline movies are. There is time for characters to develop and grow. For all of the above reasons and many more, I love movie universes.

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